
Ever since the label “Made in Germany” rose to prominence in the 19th century, the word “Germany” has become synonymous with good quality. Just as Germany excels at producing cars, machinery and many other products, Germany has a very good reputation for the quality of...

There are strict laws in Germany protecting patients’ rights. Doctors are required to be honest and up front about the patient’s diagnosis, and to inform the patient of all possible treatment options. The patient has the right to receive or refuse treatment, and to ask...

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Headquarter office

Arndtstrasse 16
D-22085 Hamburg, Germany
Ust. IdNr.: DE272730322
Register of companies in Hamburg: HRB 113421

telephone: +49 40 53 79 766 - 0


Service office

Reef Tower, Level 29, Office 29-23, Cluster O, JLT
P.O. Box: 336731, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
TRN: 100231460500003

telephone: +917 4 4487557
Fax: +971 4 4487112


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