There are strict laws in Germany protecting patients’ rights. Doctors are required to be honest and up front about the patient’s diagnosis, and to inform the patient of all possible treatment options. The patient has the right to receive or refuse treatment, and to ask questions at any time. German doctors will never force patients to undergo any unnecessary treatment.

In addition, many hospitals choose to voluntarily apply for a quality certification by the Cooperation for Transparency and Quality (KTQ). This certification means that the clinic has excelled in six quality indicators, which include patient orientation, safety and risk management and quality management.

Many hospitals within our network have received a KTQ certification.

Hospital transparency

The German government has strict regulations to ensure that hospitals operate with transparency and respect patient rights. For instance, German hospitals are required to publish the quality outcomes of all of the medical treatments they provide. An example of such a report can be found here: pdfasklepios-qualitaetsbericht-2015.pdf

Certifications for specific disciplines

German hospitals often specialize in certain disciplines in order to improve the quality of each procedure. Generally, the more experience a surgeon has, the lower their rates of complications and the better their clinical outcomes. Most medical disciplines have their own organizations and societies which offer voluntary certifications to the top doctors in their fields.

The majority of specialist center certifications go through the German Society of General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV), either alone or in combination with another, more specific organization. The DGAV certification process aims to improve the quality and transparency of the clinics. According to its website, certification is based on quality indicators as developed by relevant groups based on scientific requirements and clinical experience. This certification is valid for three years and does not renew automatically – departments must apply again each year. If a clinic meets these criteria, it can be assumed that surgery is performed there at a high level.

Contact us if you would like to see the quality reports and certifications of a specific hospital.

Online Resources

There are several online resources which aggregate data on professional certifications and patient reviews of specific German health care providers. It is important to note that patient reviews reflect individual experiences and patient satisfaction, and not necessarily the quality of the medical treatment received. When considered in combination with other information, they can be a useful tool in deciding where to undergo treatment. But it is not possible to choose a specialist based on reviews only. Every patient and every medical situation is unique, and therefore needs its own specific path to medical treatment.

  • Leading Medicine Guide (English) is a portal which lists highly-qualifed specialists and hospitals based on their professional qualifications.
  • Jameda (German) contains patient reviews of specific doctors and hospitals in Germany.
  • Klinik-Bewertungen (German) includes patient reviews of different hospitals and clinics in Germany.

In addition, you can read our patient stories to learn about our patients' experience with the German healthcare system.

Read more about how Premier Healthcare Germany can help you receive medical treatment in Germany, or contact us with your specific questions.